VADAKAYIL on FALSE THESIS, FAKE PROJECT DISSERTATIONS on SARS COV-2 VIRUS written in this covid era, to please the jewish vaccine lobby , deep state establishment, FOR EASY 100% SURE REWARDS, POLL

Published by nelsonsingh

Namaste, You yourself, are the teacher, the pupil, the messiah, the seeker, the traveler and the destination. It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to this profoundly sick society. I am from INDIA, the mother of all civilizations. When I see at the trends the modern age is going through it seems that our generation is ignorant to many things. The History which we read in schools and university is a White Lie. The Internet is a super information highway and this is the only medium which will help us to out of Ignorance. Awaken your inner voice. Experience the joy of your own being. Your own conscience is the best interpreter. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. The naked truth can never be hate speech or defamation.

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